Next World Design brings you the best of the arts, politics and spirituality, especially where these elements connect with each other in service of creating a better world.
“I am convinced of the importance of digital communications technology in shaping the way people connect with each other, build cultures and communities, engage in commerce, education and the arts, cross borders and boundaries and, together, design our “next world.” While examining the positive as well as the negative impact of new media, I am utilizing it to explore questions of meaning, value and purpose. For better or worse, the line between the virtual and the real is dissolving and clearly our future is digital. Therefore, if the “better angels of our nature” are to find expression, those who care will need to figure out how the emerging, new media can be useful in building those partnerships and relationships without which a better world will not and cannot evolve.”
Aside from that, I also edit and curate a popular blog the GodWeb. I have been frequently published, with numerous articles and books including God and Science (John Knox / Westminster Press, 1986) and Faith, Science and the Future (CrossCurrents Press, 2007). I have taught and lectured at Princeton, Columbia, Yale Divinity School, Union Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, and others.
In the “real” world, when I am not working, I can probably be found sailing.
Charles Henderson
contact: cph@nextworlddesign.com